The Blueprint: Check with DSPS on Smaller Multifamily Sprinkler Reqs.

Main Goal of 2019-2020: No Backsliding on 2011-2018 Reforms • A.G. Schimel Decides Against Recount • WI Supreme Court Race Next Up • Governor-Elect Evers Announces Transition Team and Chief of Staff • NAHB Explains Opportunity Zone Proposed Rule • From NAHB: Not a Lot of Lots, Builders Report

Check with DSPS on Smaller Multifamily Units for Sprinkler Requirements


Recently, it has come to our attention that some members have had issues getting plans approved by the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) for multifamily housing units of 20 or fewer units.  The main issue in question deals with a commercial building code issue on means of egress when you are not required to have a sprinkler system…

Main Goal of 2019-2020: No Backsliding on 2011-2018 Reforms

One thing that we will be focusing on once the legislature begins their work in January 2019 is to make sure we protect all of the advocacy wins we have achieved since 2011…

A.G. Schimel Decides Against Recount

This week, Attorney General Brad Schimel announced that he would not seek a statewide recount of votes in his race against Josh Kaul…

WI Supreme Court Race Next Up

While the focus of most people in Wisconsin this week is planning for Thanksgiving dinner and for returning to the woods for the final days of Wisconsin’s deer hunting season, some in Madison are turning the page to the next big political race in Wisconsin…

Governor-Elect Evers Announces Transition Team & Chief of Staff

Over the past two weeks, Governor-Elect Evers and Lt. Governor-Elect Barnes have been making announcements of those individuals who will be helping them transition into office in early January…

NAHB Explains Opportunity Zone Proposed Rule

The Treasury Department and IRS recently released the long-awaited proposed regulations for implementing opportunity zones, a new type of economic development incentive created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017…

From NAHB: Not a Lot of Lots, Builders Report

In a recent NAHB survey, 65% of builders reported that the overall supply of developed lots in their areas was low to very low. This is up only 1% from June 2017, but significantly higher than the 42% posted in September 2012…

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